A Man earns $200,000 flirting with girls every night.

Japan is the world’s wealthiest country. When it comes to marriage you need a lot of money before you get to marry someone. If you have less money there are fewer chances to have your big day and your white kimono.

All of us know Japan is one of the countries that is very open-minded when it comes to sex. Most of the porn videos under Asian categories and also hentai came from them. Japan is also known of their Geisha that are traditional Japanese female entertainers who perform as hostesses and showcases their skills in Japanese arts such as classical music, dance, games and conversations to entertain male customers.
But for equality reasons, Geisha also has their counter side. There is also a male host to entertain female customers that is called Gigolo; a young man is paid by a woman to be her escort or lover.

There is one man who stood out and his name is Hikaru Aizawa. He used to be a salesman at weddings and funerals. From his experience from his past work he learned how to sell himself so when he became a host he instantly knows how to get the women’s trust and interests. He proclaimed himself as the “King of Hosts.” His work is more like being a partner to women that includes talking, flirting and possibly sex.

Hikaru Aizawa claims to make up to $200,000 a night from his clients. Women pay to hang out with Aizawa containing going out for dinner, drinking at his luxury car and other activities though sex is not guaranteed. Mostly women use his services to fill their empty lives. He treats all of his clients with luxury. As a return his clients give him expensive gifts such as jewelries, limited edition brand name shoes, $50,000 worth of watch and even a $7,000 worth of Soju. Hikaru Aizawa is living the dream.
So for all the women out there who wants to be with their prince charming for a night and you have nothing to do with your money. Book a flight to Japan now!
Here’s a link of his documentary:

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