Pod Racing? No. ExtremeDose takes you inside the competitive world of underground drone racing.

Game of Drones: The race of drones

At an abandoned warehouse in Melbourne's west, about 30 drone racers have gathered for a high-speed showdown.
They have spent hours custom building their multi-rotor machines and fitting them with onboard cameras.
Known as FPV racing - or first person view - the racers use special goggles, some held together with gaffer tape, giving them a drone's-eye view as they manoeuvre around the course.
Clocking speeds of more than 60 kilometres an hour, Darren French loves the adrenaline rush.
"It's addictive. It's like playing a video game. It's fast. The more you do it the more you want to fly.
Darren French
High-speed crashes and collisions are inevitable and add to the pre-race nerves for the competitors.
But Chad Nowak says it is all part of the action.
Anyone who's not crashing as far as I'm concerned isn't trying hard enough. That's half the fun.
Chad Nowak
Chad Nowak is one competitor to watch if FPV racing becomes a fully fledged sport in Australia.
I fly full size aircraft and I like being up there but there's no way you would catch me in my glider flying between two trees because if I get it wrong I'm going to end up in a coffin.
But with something like this, I can go out there and do it, and if I get it wrong, the worst thing that happens is that I have to rebuild the frame.
It gives you this freedom. That boyhood dream of just doing crazy things. You can do it now in a fun and safe way.
Chad Nowak
Mr Nowak's fast and furious moves have earned him a trip to California, where he is being sponsored to compete in the US National Drone Championships in July.
The competition is the first of its kind in the US and is approved by America's largest model aircraft sporting body.
Plus Mr Nowak says there is a $10,000 prize.

Watch the video below.
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