This Man Realized The Only Way He Could Stop Masturbating Was Removing The Source Of The Problem – See Why This Man Went Bobbitt On Himself

Jonas Etcher is your normal every day American who just happens to have one major problem taking hold of his life.Turns out that problem is an inability to stop reaching into his pants to 'burp the worm,' as it is so eloquently put. This story that broke recently may seems hard to believe; but with a struggle like that and Jonas knowing he was doing something “against Jesus,” it starts to sound a bit more believable. Though you still have to ask yourself, why would any man want to do this to himself?

Upon reaching the hospital, doctors determined that the member would not be fit for reattachment. With an animal getting a hold of the recently freed Johnson, it looks like there wasn’t enough left to give this man back his manhood. It looks like he is bound to live life permanently penis-less after this happened. With the man’s problem starting to hurt his family and the people around him, it seems like the do-it-himself surgery was his only option in stopping his own man-to-hand combat.

Too much masturbation can start to become a problem, especially if your doing it as much as this guy. They say Jonas “has been self-pleasuring up to a dozen times a day,” which is hard to tell whether that is awful, or just awfully impressive. Maybe he should have just seen a psychologist to fix the problems instead, though it still looks like he may need one after doing something like this. His family is thankful that he is “trying to lead a life of purity, but now he’s going to have to go on disability as he won’t be able to work at Applebee’s while he recovers.” This definitely seems like a strange story, what do you make of all this?

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