Woman Loses Almost 1000 Pounds. How She Looks Now? I’m BLOWN AWAY!

She garnered the title “The World’s Fattest Woman,” weighing in at over 1,000 pounds. But this was a title Mayra Rosales did not want to hold onto. To strip the title, she needed to strip the weight. With this much weight to lose it certainly seems like an overbearingly huge challenge to take on. But with self control and motivation, one can do nearly anything. At a loss of 80% body mass, Mayra proved she could get out of the body that she had felt trapped within.

Her name is Mayra Rosales
Mayra was at her heaviest when she clocked in at over 1,000 pounds. At one point in her life she had confessed to murdering a nephew. Police later discovered that her sister was the one who had killed the nephew. Nonetheless, Mayra had become nicknamed the “Half-Ton Killer.”

At this weight, one is not able to perform daily functions such as washing oneself, getting dressed and moving around. Help was needed around the clock.

Due to this immobility, she would develop large and painful bed sores. These sores actually became motivating factors for her to lose the weight.

The network TLC came on board to help Mayra with the weight loss, while documenting the process in a series called “Half-Ton Killer.”

Normally one would be assigned an exercise regimen to rid oneself of the fat mass. But due to the extreme condition of Mayra and the fact that she wasn’t hardly able to move let alone perform exercise, several doctors needed to surgically remove a large amount of the mass. This would then allow for her to have the ability to perform exercises.

Many surgeries were required, including bypass surgery.

Once the fat mass was removed, it was time for recovery which included walking with a walker.

Now that she was able to walk, she could start implementing exercises. This, along with diet would allow Mayra to continue her weight loss journey on her own.

Clearly she was making very noticeable progress from the surgeries and her new regimen of exercising and dieting. She wasn’t finished yet though.
What a delightfully shocking after photo! This photo represents a 6 year struggle which included 11 surgeries and strict exercise and dieting. Obviously she looks fabulous and much more healthy. Mayra still has her sights set at slimming down more, but for now she obviously is happy, and no doubt feeling much healthier.

More photos of Mayra in 2015 looking great and having fun. Congratulations to her and many others who have successfully shed massive amounts of weight in order to lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

SHARE her inspirational weight loss journey with family and friends. If she can do it, ANYONE can!

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